HUM 423 / COM 465 / TRA 423 / FRE 423

Poetry and War: Translating the Untranslatable

Sandra L. Bermann

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Focusing on René Char's wartime "notebook" of prose poetry from the French Resistance, Feuillets d'Hypnos (Leaves of Hypnos), this course joins a study of the Resistance to a poet's literary creation and its ongoing "afterlife" in translations around the globe. History, archival research (traditional and digital), the practice of literary translation, and a trip to France that follows in Char's footsteps as poet and Resistance leader will all be part of our exploration. We will conclude with a dramatic performance of the "notebook" in multiple languages, as created by seminar participants.

Applications will be accepted until the course is closed; for full consideration, please submit by November 21, 2022. 



View this course on the Registrar’s website.

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