Julien Alam

English, Class of 2023

English concentrator pursuing certificates in Classics, Humanistic Studies, and Theater.

Role(s) held in the Humanistic Studies Program:

Humanities Mentor, Humanistic Studies Certificate Student

Activities I participate in on campus

Princeton Triangle Club, Humanities Symposiarch, Lewis Center Student Advisor

Other experiences I can advise people on:

I plan to study abroad next spring in London at a drama school.

What I have gained from studying the Humanities

The humanities offer a space of constant re-evaluation. Studying the humanities is essentially comprised of asking questions about human nature and leaving no word or image un-examined. I have had the opportunity to explore many facets of the ways human beings have expressed themselves for thousands of years. This discipline has opened up for me a field of self-discovery as well as a deeper understanding of the world around me.


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